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The center of Modern Police Jujitsu is what is known as Teppojutsu 鉄砲術 (Gun Science or Gunnery). This simply refers to the usage of firearms for the soldiers/law enforcement of the day, meaning the employment of the rifle, shotgun, handgun, etc, for all warriors on the modern battlefield. You could call what Cmdr Cunningham taught as a US Marshal, Gunnery Combatives, made up of Alaskan Kempo Bogu Pit Drills (fighting), Warrior Fit (lifting), AmphibZero 360 (shooting), and DAP (damage assessment protocol) WIC (wound & injury care).



LEVEL ONE - Shodo 初度 grade title is Shogaku 初学. All adult students start at Shodo and the only prerequisite is being 18 years of age or older.

Brown Belt, No Black Tips, 

WarriorFit - Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press (The three cores of strength at body weight or greater)

Alaskan Kempo Bogu Pit ( Comparable skill to others in this level) 

DAP/WIC Basic First Aid Certification

AmphibZero 360:

Four firearms safety rules and CTC combatives pit rules 
Correct fighting stance for firearms
Selection and placement of equipment
Fundamentals of marksmanship
Proper maintenance of pistol
Proper presentation of the pistol
Load and unload pistol
Perform a proper press check
Demonstrate basic accuracy by center mass hit consistency

LEVEL TWO - Ryodo 両度 grade title is Gakushi or Gakushiki no aru hito 学識のある人, meaning a learned person in skills at the Raven candidate level.


RAVEN (Black Belt Candidate)

Brown Belt w/ First & Second Black Tips


WarriorFit and PRT

Alaskan Kempo Bogu Pit

DAP/WIC Advanced First Aid
AmphibZero 360
Clear types 1, 2, and 3 malfunctions
Proper presentation to a single “A” zone hit in two (2) seconds at three (3) yards
Proper guard position and scanning
Correct tactical and speed reloads
Fail-to-stop drill
A, B, C drills
Shoots at 1, 2, 3 meters
Speed load in 2.5 seconds
Tac load in 4.5 seconds
Types 1 and 2 malfunctions in 2.0 seconds
Type 3 in 6.0 seconds
Fires 80% on the Teppo Contact Course 

Section I: 

Fundamentals of the Federal Marshal Combatives System 
Ranges of Close Combat Engagements 
Target Areas of the Body
Weapons of the Body 
On-guard Stance
Angles of Movement

Section II: 

Muscle Relaxation 
Making a Fist
Weight Transfer 
Rapid Retraction
Lead Hand Punch 
Rear Hand Punch
Actions of the Aggressor

Section III: 

Front Break-Fall
Back Break-Fall
Side Break-Fall
Forward Shoulder Roll

Section IV: 

Bayonet Techniques 
Straight Thrust 
Horizontal Buttstroke
Vertical Buttstroke

Section V: 

Upper Body Strikes
Hammer Fist
Eye Gouge
Vertical Elbow Strike (Low to High)
Forward Horizontal Elbow Strike
Actions of the Aggressor 

Section VI: 

Lower Body Strikes
Vertical Knee Strike
Front Kick
Round Kick
Vertical Stomp
Actions of the Aggressor 

Section VII: 

Introduction to Chokes
Rear Choke
Figure Four Variation

Section VIII: 

Actions of the Aggressor

Section IX: 

Counters to Strikes
Counter to Strikes
Counter to Rear Hand Punch
Counter to the Rear Leg Kick

Section X: 

Counters to Chokes and Holds
Counter to the Rear Choke
Counter to the Rear Headlock
Counter to the Rear Bear Hug

Section XI: 

Unarmed Manipulation
Compliance Techniques
Distracter Techniques
Joint Manipulation
Armbar Takedown

Section XII: 

Armed Manipulations
Rifle and Shotgun Retention Techniques 

Section XIII: 

Knife Fighting
Principles of Knife Fighting
Vertical Slash
Vertical Thrust

Brown Belt w/ Third & Fourth Black Tips 

WarriorFit and PRT

Alaskan Kempo Bogu Pit

DAP/WIC Trauma Medicine
AmphibZero 360:
Position shooting, including speed kneel, braced kneel, double kneel, and prone
Distance shooting from 7 to 25 yards
Flashlight techniques

Section I: 

Bayonet Techniques Disrupt and Thrust While Closing

Section II: 

Upper Body Strikes
Chin Jab/Palm Heel Strike
Knife Hand Strikes
Inside/Reverse Knife Hand Strike
Vertical Knife Hand Strike
Elbow Strikes
The Rear Horizontal Elbow Strike
Vertical Elbow Strike (High to Low)
Actions of the Aggressor 

Section III: 

Lower Body Strikes
Horizontal Knee Strike 
Side Kick
Axe Stomp 
Actions of the Aggressor 

Section IV: 

Front Choke 

Section V: 

Hip Throw

Section VI: 

Counters to Strikes
Counter to the Lead Hand Punch
Counter to a Lead Leg Kick

Section VII: 

Counters to Chokes and Holds
Counter to the Front Choke
Counter to the Front Headlock
Counter to the Front Bear Hug

Section VIII: 

Unarmed Manipulation
Wristlock Come-Along
Takedown From a Wristlock Come-Along and Double Flexi Cuff
Escort Position
Escort Position Takedown and Single Flexi Cuff

Section IX: 

Armed Manipulation
Aggressor Grabs With Both Hands (Pushing)
Aggressor Grabs With Both Hands Pulling (Stationary)
Aggressor Grabs With Both Hands Pulling (Moving)
Aggressor Grabs Over Handed With Strikes
Aggressor Grabs Under Handed With Strikes

Section X: 

Knife Techniques
Forward Thrust
Forward Slash
Reverse Thrust
Reverse Slash

Section XI: 

Weapons of Opportunity
Straight Thrust
Vertical Strike
Forward Strike 
Reverse Strike

Section XII: 

Ground Fighting
Counter to Mount Position
Counter to Guard Position 

Brown Belt w/ Fifth & Sixth Black Tips

WarriorFit and PRT

Alaskan Kempo Bogu Pit

DAP/WIC Remote Trauma Medicine
AmphibZero 360:
Left, right, and rear responses (pivots)
Controlled pairs from 1 yards to 15 yards
“Safety Circle” to operate in a 360 degree environment.  

Section I: 

Bayonet Techniques
Execute a Disrupt and a Thrust While Closing With a Moving Aggressor
Buttstroke Offline

Section II: 

Side Choke

Section III: 

Shoulder Throw

Section IV: 

Counters to Strikes
Counter to a Round Punch
Counter to Round Kick

Section V. 

Lower Body Strikes

Section VI: 

Unarmed Manipulations
Enhanced Pain Compliance
Reverse Wristlock Come-Along
Controlling Techniques

Section VII: 

Knife Techniques
Counter to a Vertical Strike With Follow-on Techniques
Counter to a Forward Strike With Follow-on Techniques

Section VIII: 

Weapons of Opportunity
Block for a Vertical Strike With Follow-on Strikes
Block for a Forward Strike With Follow-on Strikes
Block for a Reverse Strike With Follow-on Strikes
Block for a Straight Thrust With Follow-on Strikes

Section IX: 

Ground Fighting
Armbar From Mount Position
Armbar From Guard Position


Brown Belt w Seventh & Eighth Black Tips 

WarriorFit and PRT

Alaskan Kempo Bogu Pit

DAP/WIC Currency
AmphibZero 360:
Use of cover
“slicing the pie”
Lateral movement, left and right, during presentation and weapon manipulations
Close contact unarmed and armed transition techniques.  

Section I: 

Bayonet Techniques
One-on-Two Engagement
Two-on-One Engagement
Two-on-Two Engagement

Section II: 

Ground Fighting
Ground Fighting Techniques
Basic Leg Lock

Section III: 

Ground Chokes
Rear Ground Choke
Figure-4 Variation of Rear Choke
Front Choke
Side Choke

Section IV: 

Major Outside Reap Throw
Major Outside Reap Throw: Aggressor Pushing
Major Outside Reap Throw: Aggressor Pulling

Section V: 

Unarmed Versus Handheld
Hollowing Out with Follow-on Technique
Forward Armbar Counter
Reverse Armbar Counter
Bent Armbar Counter

Section VI: 

Firearm Retention 
Blocking Technique
Armbar Technique
Wristlock Technique
Same Side Grab: From Front
Same Side Grab: From Rear

Section VII: 

Firearm Disarmament
Counter to Pistol to: Front
Counter to Pistol to: Rear

Section VIII: 

Knife Techniques
Block for a Reverse Strike
Block for a Straight Thrust


Brown Belt w/ Ninth & Tenth Black Tips


WarriorFit and PRT

Alaskan Kempo Bogu Pit

DAP/WIC Currency
AmphibZero 360:

Weapon retention techniques
85% on the two previous courses
One-handed (precision) shooting 
Verbally tested on all TTPs
Performs all manipulations at faster times.




RAVEN (Black Belt)


LEVEL THREE - Shodan 初段, Nidan 二段, and Sandan 三段 grades are Ken 賢, meaning wise in skills. The Raven level of Ken 賢 is an Assistant Instructor only.

Black Belt w/ First Red Tip

WarriorFit and PRT

Alaskan Kempo Bogu Pit

DAP/WIC Currency
AmphibZero 360:

Passes three handgun courses at 90% accuracy

All manipulations in shorter times

Passes a written test

Short written paper on perception of firearms as a martial art


 Section I:

Bayonet Techniques

Bayonet Training: Stage One

Bayonet Training: Stage Two

Bayonet Training: Stage Three

Common Error

Section II:

Sweeping Hip Throw

Section III:

Ground Fighting

Face Rip From the Guard

Straight Armbar From a Scarf Hold

Bent Armbar From a Scarf Hold

Section IV:

Unarmed Manipulation: Neck-Crank Takedown

Section V:


Triangle Choke

Guillotine Choke

Section VI:

Knee Bar

Rolling Knee Bar

Sitting Knee Bar

Section VII:

Counter to Pistol to the Head

Counter to Pistol to the Head: Two Handed

Counter to Pistol to the Head: One Handed

Section VIII:

Upper Body Strikes

Cupped Hand Strike

Face Smash

Section IX:

Knife Techniques

Lead Hand Knife

Slashing Techniques

Thrusting Techniques

Reverse-Grip Knife Techniques

Section X:

Improvised Weapons

Garrote From the Rear

Garrote From the Front


Black Belt w/ Second Red Tip (Nidan-2nd)


WarriorFit and PRT

Alaskan Kempo Bogu Pit

DAP/WIC Currency
AmphibZero 360:

 Three handgun courses at 95% accuracy

Manipulations in shorter times (.1 sec. less on the school drills)

Written test on the shotgun

Shooting skill test with the tactical shotgun with required times and accuracy.

Black Belt w/ Third Red Tip 


WarriorFit and PRT

Alaskan Kempo Bogu Pit

DAP/WIC Currency
AmphibZero 360:

Mastery of the auto-pistol

Three handgun shooting tests at 98%, at times reduced from Shodan by .2 seconds per drill on the GF drills

Contact Course and Distance times remain the same. 


LEVEL FOUR: Yodan 四段, Godan 五段, Rokudan 六段, grades are Sei 聖, meaning sacred or holy, thus superior refinement in skills.


Black Belt w/ Fourth Red Tip 


WarriorFit and PRT

Alaskan Kempo Bogu Pit

DAP/WIC Currency
AmphibZero 360:

Mastery of the carbine

Gunfighting tests

Clear type 1, 2, and 3 malfunctions faster times

Speed loads and Tac loads within required time limits.


Black Belt w/ Fifth Red Tip 


WarriorFit and PRT

Alaskan Kempo Bogu Pit

DAP/WIC Currency
AmphibZero 360:

Precision rifle

Shooting from field positions with a scoped, bolt-action .25 to .30 caliber rifle


Shichidan 七段 , Hachidan 八段, Kudan 九段 , & Judan 十段, grades are Raven level, Kunshi 君子, meaning a person of high rank and ultimate state of being in skills.


Black Belt w/ Sixth through Ninth Red Tips 

WarriorFit and PRT

Alaskan Kempo Bogu Pit

DAP/WIC Currency
AmphibZero 360:

Rokudan through Hachidan Master Instructors and 1st level Soke Kudan will be tested on the submachine gun.  Testing will be limited, due to availability of select-fire weapons.


All Upper Belts.  Ranks beyond Godan will be determined by Soke.  As with all arts, rank at this level will be determined by a combination of skill, teaching ability, and dedication to Kempo Tactics and to the martial arts in general.  Candidates will have demonstrated years of dedicated training, the furthering of the arts, membership in professional organizations, and other factors.

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