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Six Alaskan Animals
アラスカの 6 つの動物

The Alaskan Animals of the White Eagle School

Northern Raven_edited.jpg

アラスカの 6 つの動物

TIMBER WOLF 材木狼 (Zaimoku okami)

From the Wolf, you must learn team work. The Wolf sacrifices for the whole and suppresses the self. They have powerful legs and can work for extended periods. The Wolf’s senses are keen. You must do your part for the good of the whole, just like the Wolf. Therefore, the Wolf does not tire easy and can outlast their opponent. They use their legs to run down their opponents at very action.

WOLVERINE クズリ (Kuzuri)

From the Wolverine, you must learn that size is irrelevant to prowess. The Wolverine has excellent eye sight and is fierce in battle. It sees what it needs and nothing can stop them. They suppress fear as they stand alone as equal to all living things. Therefore, the Wolverine does not need to fight as their ferocity will keep their opponent at bay unable to attack. Posturing has been mastered by the Wolverine and their mind is the most battle-hardened in the animal kingdom. It is said that if you possess "Wolverine mind" you are unstoppable against any foe.

MOUNTAIN LION 山岳獅子 (Sangaku shishi)

From the Mountain Lion, you must learn speed and cunning. The Mountain Lion is extremely fast and angular. It sneaks up on its prey and uses the element of surprise. The Mountain Lion is not as big as the Tiger, but is capable of "providing great effect and springing power." Therefore, the Mountain Lion is rarely seen by an opponent until it is too late. They use terrain to their advantage which weakens their opponent.

Alaskan Birds

SANDHILL CRANE サンドヒル鶴 (Sakyu tsuru)

From the Sandhill, like the Traditional Crane, you must learn grace and balance, producing a fluidity as only the Sandhill possesses. The Sandhill is very aware and evasive. Do not underestimate the Sandhill's power. It utilizes its beak for poking and its wings for trapping. Therefore, all Sandhill motion is one continuous flow with no beginning and no end. Infinite movement in the "Universal Pattern" is mastered in the Sandhill Crane.

NORTHERN RAVEN 北部烏 (Hokubu karasu)

From the Raven, you must learn intelligence and craftiness. The Raven can figure out any dilemma and often uses their surroundings to assist in obtaining their objective. The Raven is a survivor no matter what the odds. Therefore, the Raven can take any position of disadvantage and maximize it to accomplish their objective. They can take the worst of situations and find the good. The Raven is the smartest of all animals but must rely on the other animals for sustenance. The Raven is a scavenger and a trickster and uses illusive motion to commit their opponent's motions unnecessarily thus wasting energy.

THUNDERBIRD 雷鷲 (Kaminari washi) or THUNDER EAGLE

The Thunderbird has perceptive wisdom and projective imprinting. The Thunderbird can control the environment and everything in it including the opponent. This is a crucial quality of the stealth of intuition. The Thunderbird can read the opponents thoughts through non-verbal behavioral clues which enhances the use of the sixth sense with all other senses.

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