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Preservation Project


Nin'i no Buki no Ichi Sento Ryu


Nature's Order Universal Laws

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Federal Marshal Combatives™

US Marshals District of Alaska
Police Dojo


Est. 1992

Modern Police Jujitsu™

モダン 警察 柔術 

Est. 1958

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Alaska Taihojutsu





Koishidokai Koya Dojo™
White Eagle School of Martial Arts™
Alaskan Kempo Jujitsu System™

Modern Battlefield Jujitsu™
Est. 1978

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The Kempo Codex
Law of the Fist

by Cmdr Ty "Yoda" Cunningham


Stone Dragon House™

Est. 1958


Train the way you survive.™





I would like to welcome you to the Stone Dragon House™ and Koishidokai Koya (Wilderness) Dojo™. We are a small warrior family yet backed with a lineage that brings to light the knowledge of the masters of old. It is this knowledge of the ancient ones that we practice on a daily basis. The training is hard, unforgiving, and true. We believe in a warrior code and pattern our lives so that we persevere the trials of life. Our old way of the Earth training is for life safety. It is based on nature's order and according to universal laws. One of our dojo sayings is "Train the way you survive.™" Our goal is mastery of our art. This must be accomplished in our next breath. This we choose to do every day for our whole lives. 

This site is an Alaskan Kempo (est. 1958) preservation project to the legacy foundations of my father, Crane Hand Kempo master, Cunningham sensei, and his training partner, Dragon Hand Kempo master, Stuart sensei.

It also contains my KEMPO TACTICS™, which is my modern spirit and applications of Alaskan Kempo™ to the true realities I faced on the streets (and country roads) of AMERICA as a Deputy U.S. Marshal. To meet this truth, in my experience, your training must include WarriorFit (strength conditioning for your muscle and bone development), DAP/WIC (trauma medicine for damage assessment protocol/wound & injury care) for stopping the bleed, Alaskan Kempo™ Bogu Pit Drills (fighting to experience the truth), and AmphibZero 360™ (shooting at extreme close contact combat [EC3]™ range).

Now enter KEMPO TACTICS™ motto for Modern Battlefield Jujitsu™ 現代戦場柔術 Gendai Senjo Jujutsu and Modern Police Jujitsu™ 現代警察柔術Gendai Keisatsu Jujutsu




There is no way to find a way or to make one if you are not conditioning your mind, body, and spirit to the moment that battle is joined. To be good at driving you must drive, hunting needs hunting, fighting needs fighting, survival needs survival, and shooting needs shooting. You cannot learn to swim on dry land. YOU MUST GET WET!

My father, Cunningham sensei, always kept me focused with this Chinese proverb: When two tigers fight, one is injured beyond repair—and the other one is dead. Thus, the need to stay focused to "Train the way you survive.™"

Again, welcome to our Alaskan Kempo™ preservation project.

Ken o toshite no tomodachi. ™ (拳を通しての友達。 ™)



In the name of Koishidokai,


Ty Cunningham

Cmdr Ty "Yoda" Cunningham, M.S.

Supervisory Deputy US Marshal/Tactical Commander (Ret)

Inheritor, Historian, & Director

Stone Dragon House-Koishidokai Koya Dojo

Combat & Police Ju-Jitsu Applications (CAPJJA)

Alaska - USA


World Street Combat Systems Organization (WSCSO), State Director

10th Dan, Alaska / Int'l Advisor Military Combat / Law Enforcement Tactics

United States Taiho Jutsu (USTJ)™ State Director

9th Dan, Alaska, Police Defensive Tactics Instructor (PDTI)

Alaska Police Standards Council (APSC)

Certified Police Instructor, Defensive Tactics

Life Member, United States Ju-Jitsu Federation (USJJF)® 

Life Member, United States Martial Arts Federation™

Member, United States Ju-Jitsu Senior Masters Caucus

Member, United States Ju-Jitsu National Technical & Promotion Committee

International Taiho Jutsu Yudanshakai

司令官。 タイ・ヨーダ・カニンガム

拳を通しての友達。 ™


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Founders of Alaskan Kempo™ (Est. 1958)


Mr. D.R. Cunningham, 10th Dan, Crane Hand Kempo 鶴手拳法

Mr. K. Stuart, 10th Dan, Dragon Hand Kempo 龍手拳法


Cmdr. Ty Cunningham, M.S., US Marshals (Ret.)

10th Dan, Alaskan Kempo™ アラスカ拳法 (2018)

9th Dan, Modern Police Jujitsu™ 現代警察柔術 (1994) (Alaska Taihojutsu ™ アラスカ大鳳術)


Program projects: Koishido Tatakai Karate 古代石道格闘空手 (1986); Koishidokai Kempo™ 古石道協会拳法 (1986); Koishido Tatakai Jujutsu 古代石道格闘柔術 (1986); Nin'i no Buki no Ichi Sento-Ryu™ 任意の武器の壱戦闘流 (1992); Modern Battlefield Jujitsu™ 現代戦場柔術 (1986); US Marshals Police Jujitsu 米国保安官警察柔術 (1992); White Eagle Kempo Jujitsu™ 白鷲拳法柔術 (Est. 2012); Kempo Tactics™ 拳法の戦術 (2012)


This system is an Alaskan system based on practical laws of nature, the animals, as well as Cmdr. Cunningham's professional experience as a U. S. Marshal and his military service--in conjunction with his historical Kempo foundations and professional Alaska Taihojutsu/Modern Police Jujitsu™ applications.

Old Stone Way concepts

White Eagle utilizes the concepts contained in the soundness of “old stone way” applications. This is the essence of nature as I experienced it growing up and the footings and foundation to my Fist Law that I possess now and have applied in my self-preservation as a boy living in nature, within my professions in the military and federal law enforcement, and in my teaching of extreme close combat contact (EC3).





Wisdom 知恵 (Chie)

The power of true and right discernment of the reality of survival must come through personal survival, actually. You cannot swim in water by doing strokes on land. You must get into the water.

Learned 学んだ (Mananda)

Having extensive knowledge through the research of all available data on survival is a requirement to applied survival. This should suggest to you the need for constant research. It is never ending.

Experienced 習熟 (Jukutatsu)

Made skillful through actual survival situations where you are not thinking about it, but doing it. Having the techniques of close combat survival, must be purified in the adverse with opposition

Understanding 理解 (Rikai)

The sum of battle comprehension, the sum of mental powers applying fact to reality gives Salient clarity of purpose.

Leadership 統率 (Tosotsu)

The capacity to be a close combat/survival guide must be internalized before it can be pontificated. A teacher teaches what he knows, not what he does not know. You must know true survival before you can lead others through it.

Responsibility 義務 (Gimu)

Being accountable for what you teach and being accountable for your actions should be accepted as truth. You are the product of your choices good and bad. Do not fear truth, embrace it and be responsible for your truth and accept your reality.


Hard 硬度 (Kodo)

The mind must be firm in belief; the spirit must be immovable from truth, and the Body must serve the mind without question. Life is not lived, but by each day. If you seek change, which is hard, you must live it each day of your life with resolve until your last breath. Your body must learn that there is no way out. This is the White Eagle School way!

Solid 堅実 (Kenjitsu)

Manifesting strength and firmness of character and characterizing the reality of the whole. You cannot believe in your mind one thing and live another. You are all things in one; mind, body, and spirit. Your life should be solidified as stone.

Subtraction 減法 (Genpo)

The art of sculpting, chipping away the unessential elements of survival. Only you are on your journey in the Law of the Fist. It is not about accumulation, but elimination of that which is not needed. You will not be able to do this until you understand survival through refinement.

Polishing 研磨 (Kenma)

The life-long refining process of body, mind, and spirit through Garyujutsu in the Law of the Fist. Remembering, that you are never too young to learn or too old to change.


Path 小道 (Komichi)

A course of thought concerning survival does not mean following after the pursuits of life. This is not an outward journey you are on in the Law of the Fist, but an inward one. You are what you think! This is the path! You must think at a higher level. Your mind is the action arm of your brain.

Root 起源 (Kigen)

The origin of the Law of the Fist comes from within. Your Garyujutsu is unlimited if your root cause is truth.

Creation 創造 (Sozo)

The product of what I am is made by me. You become what you create for yourself. This is the beauty of Garyujutsu Someone else is incapable of being you, only you get this privilege.

Research 研究 (Kenkyu)

A purposeful investigation to find possible seeds for planting is the search for data to assimilate accuracy of the Law of the Fist in truth.

Development 発達 (Hattatsu)

The product from planting and caring for the seed is to precede one step at a time deliberately. Do not be like those who watch life happen to them. You make your life happen your way. This is the Law of the Fist through Garyujutsu!

Discovery 発見 (Hakken)

To finally understand the developed product, the caring of the seed, and the roots of its origin. This is always clearer retrospectively. The key is to compare your deliberate thoughts you laid down in days past with who you have become. They should be congruent during your comparison.

Reflection 反省 (Hansei)

The image of the root is the observable beauty that exudes from your presence. What do you see within?

Expression 表現 (Hyogen)

The symbolic manifestation of the meaning of the root’s reflections are laid down in your actions as you interact within your environment. Your life is an expression of your thoughts. Do not let your thoughts stray too far from center in the Law of the Fist.

Responsive 応答性 (Otosei)

Being” in harmony with the expressions of the opponent is like the echo sounding within the timing of the rhythm’s call. Harmony seeks balance as in push than pull or pull than push. Life should be understood this way.

Harmony 調和 (Chowa)

The agreeable relationship of both parts of the whole is gained in the principle and concept of mutual adoration. When your opponent seeks, you yield. When your opponent yields, you seek. There are many ways for you to add numbers to gain ten as the sum. Your opponent gives one, you give nine. When they give seven, you give three. When they give five, you give five. This is the way of harmony in the Law of the Fist.



私のホワイト イーグル スクール オールド ストーン ウェイのコンセプト。

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