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The Law of the Fist seeks to learn and teach from nature and the animals in it. Thus, knowledge of natural laws trumps all other knowledge in the fist law.

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The White Eagle School (Koishidokai Koya Dojo) uses the attacking bald eagle as the main spiritual symbol to represent the school. It is the emblem of America and Alaska (where my Law of the Fist was nurtured in nature).

The Tongass region of Alaska has more eagles than any place in the world. To the ancient people (Tlingit, pronounced Klink-it) who lived in the Tongass, the eagle carries the most power next to the mythological Thunderbird. The eagle soars above watching you with its keen eye. Ever majestic in posture, the commanding presence captures your attention as you look skyward to watch the grace, beauty, and power of the moment. You thank the eagle for sharing a moment of life with you.

Alaskan Eagle アラスカン鷲 (Arasukan washi)

Just like the talons of the eagle, you must unite the three energies: you, the earth, and the sky in infinite rotation. You must embrace a flow with the true nature of things.

Three Wars 三つの戦争 (Mittsu no senso)

“Three Points” or “Three Phases” graphed to the Law of the Fist from truths method with the talons of the eagle. The mind, the body, and the strategy! The internal organs, the blood circulation, and the nervous system! The three energy centers located in top of head, diaphragm, and lower abdomen! You must work to be whole, where you as a person, your breath, and your Actions are one in all things.

Training Maximトレーニング格言 (Toreningu no kakugen)

Train the way you survive! There is no reason to do anything in your life that is of no use. To survive life’s many battles (which can be anything representing conflict) your conditioning should foster your survival, not your extinction.

White Eagle School 白鷲学校 (Shirawashi gakko)

The newness in Alaska of the old way of battle conditioning conducted by all warriors of all ages stretching back as the Shaolin monks in 520 AD.


Talons of Stillness 静寂の爪 (Chinmoku no tsume)

The strength, power, and energy of the Law of the Fist is in embracing the emptiness. It is only when you can reflect the essence of truth like a still pond that you will have mastered “the moment that battle is joined on death ground.”

Nesting the Way 入れ子にする方法 (Irekonisuru hoho)

Honor, humility, and diligence must be the nest which surrounds and cradles the battle spirit in the application of the Law of the Fist in every conflict.

Roots and the Tree 根と木 (Ne to ki)

Actual fighting, continuous weapons, and strategic pliability in personal protection stand as pillars to surround the cradle.

Spine of the Tree 木の背骨 (Ki no sebone)

The Law of the Fist & white eagle methodology is at the center of the roots of the tree which is held up by the pillars.

Colors in Nature 自然の中の色 (Shizen no naka no iro)

White: Primitive nature of the Law of the Fist, Black: Seasoning nature of the Law of the Fist, and Red: Mastering nature of the Law of the Fist.

拳の法則は、自然とその中の動物から学び、教えることを目指しています。 したがって、自然法則の知識は、拳法における他のすべての知識に優先します。

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