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Our own path: All knowledge is within the self. The self-study method.

Miyamoto Musashi said, "There is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker, or smarter. Everything is within. Everything exists. Seek nothing outside of yourself."


We are a product of our conditioning. As a scientist of human combative behavior educationally and professionally within the US Marshals Service as a criminal investigator & combative behaviorist meaning it was my job to analyze the what, when, where, why, and how of violence between humans. I learned that operational security (OPSEC) is the most important element in surprise, speed, and violence of action.


If no one knows what my capabilities are directly, all they are left with is speculative projections indirectly and must prepare to engage me or my teams in all areas of combat.


Therefore, I am not about showing the word how wonderful my techniques are. Frankly, I do not care for others to know. This mindset is my own and I will maintain it because it has kept me alive over a thirty years of confronting evil threats in all their varieties—on the job.


Also, here is my mind on it further:


There are no new skills in the world of death ground survival; only old skills that must be acquainted in the current operating environments of individualistic circumstantial truth.


There is no one stamp fits all and “you” as an individual human must train to your own life’s circumstances, of which, no one else can walk your path for you. You will always be alone in this effort. Watching others in a state of chaos and sheer terror under realistic conditions does not help you with your own crucible moment at deaths door.


Ever since human beings have been on the earth it has been our human story of survivability. The search for, and improvement upon, the armed and unarmed combat teachings ingrained in addressing the ends, ways, and means of any threat to our survivability.


Enter flesh on flesh, blade on blade, firearm on firearm and therefore combinations of the above: flesh on blade or firearm, blade on firearm or flesh, firearm on flesh or blade. You get the picture. Everyone must come to their own epiphanies of these realities if their own survival is to be maintained. Those who don’t will succumb to the age old reality of deaths door, if they are chosen the honor of standing upon it.


Thus, for me I have added to the old some new concepts of the mind, body, and spirit with realities of exposure to harshness of Alaskan wilderness and my military & law enforcement experiences to my own reality and then propagate projections for others to learn as they begin their own start point to this process.


The truth is however after the last forty-five years of teaching very few desire the truth upon their practice; instead donning the cloak of invisibility to their own senses the harsh realities of the moment that battle is joined on death ground.


Therefore, they chase for a lifetime after a failed method which cannot sustain deaths threshold because of the ingrained practice to a sensible lie upon their mitigation, preparation, responses, and recovery building therefore the neural synaptic memory, which has no grounding in truth to the projective state of deaths door in survivability.


Sir Walter Scott formulated this conceptually with this:


‘Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive’


meaning that when we lie or act dishonestly in any form especially to ourselves, we initiate problems and a domino structure of complications called second and third order effects happen which most often run out of control of our skill set to handle them because our conditioned neural memories are the incorrect ones.


Yes, if you value your own survivability you should—study this well!


Calling and Creed within Kempo Tactics™.

Definitely predatory human combative behavior should be discussed thoroughly from top to bottom in our society.


Predatory behavior is about waiting patiently until you present a vulnerable angle of attack to a viable target. They are after the kill and come from a zone of obscurity. A victim response is always unaware of their surroundings and potential threats. They have no clue they are being targeted. So, time to teach people how human combative behavior works in the real world. As a society, we have relied on peace to protect us through police response. Not any more, the police are not trained to resist Maoist doctrine that facilitates the foundations of revolution. Every citizen must wake themselves up to this reality. They target those who are susceptible. Any potential victim is just that! Unaware that their enemy to our constitution targeted them for an easy mark. Everyone must be hard to kill.


Being a warrior is a calling and a disciplined creed lived every moment of every day. It is either in you or it is not. Many want the outward image of a warrior but do not want too walk the inward disciplined path or face the evil a warrior must confront with force. As warriors, our training pushes the envelope of truth, worthy of any battle, against evil on death ground should our skills be necessary or called upon. Our anonymity in training enhances our operational security in life such that our acquired skills will remain hidden from the enemy, of service to others in a time of need, and will thus be honorable to our God. For,  “In God We Trust” (1), and “God ​is​ [our] strength​ ​and​ ​​​power​: and he maketh [our] way ​​​perfect” (2). So, “Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight” (3). And, with such strength, “[we] seek not for power, but to pull it down. [We] seek not for honor of the world, but for the glory of [our] God, and the freedom and welfare of [our] country” (4).


This is the way of the warrior class. This is our calling and our creed.


Study this well!



(1) Motto of the United States of America.

(2) 2 Samuel 22:33.

(3) Psalms 144:1.

(4) Alma 60:36.


Warrior Training

Being a police officer is a warrior venue and collaterally being a martial artist is a warrior venue. In the venue, it requires contact. Either make contact as close to the reality of a projective event in training or hang up the martial arts uniform or for police officers, turn in your badge, police uniform, and the firearm. Officers, you don’t need the firearm anyway. If you won’t use it in a case of an active threat, you will never use it in any other kind of case when it is justified.


In warrior training , how do you ever take your training of non contact conditioning and expect to make contact on the street when your life is hanging by the very threat you are afraid to face in your training. Yeah, you won’t!


Musashi Miyamoto said, "You can only fight the way you practice.”


Martial artists look at what happened in Uvalde because of officers not wanting to make contact. Their training conditioned them to the actions they took. Their training made them save themselves instead of children. They freaking were scared to go in while they let children die. They were conditioned in training to freeze in battle. They didn’t go in for over an hour. These officers were afraid of contact.


If your training does not have contact as the main ingredient you will be conditioned to die in place unable to save yourself should evil choose you just like evil choose those children. They had no skill to save themselves, school cultural issues establish like gun free zones, undisciplined employees to establish standards of protection. You get the picture. To exacerbate the problem is the police not getting there timely (usually) and if they do (3 minutes is not bad) they may save themselves instead of saving you (they did save themselves). That was there training practice to not make contact and they succeeded.


Condition yourself to contact in both venues. Make it as close to the actual reality you may face. You need the resistance to formulate courses of action that you will act out building neural synaptic memories conditioned to respond with speed, surprise and violence of action without cognitive thought to action immediately.


Learn your Warrior Death Song:


The great Chief Tecumseh said,


“So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide. Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, even a stranger, when in a lonely place. Show respect to all people and grovel to none. When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself. Abuse no one and no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools and robs the spirit of its vision. When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song and die like a hero going home.”


Three quotes I have memorized  that have become maxims in my training, which prepared me for contact violently:


“It is not scientific thought that leads to victory in battle but pure instinctive madness.” -Unknown


The scientific thought should be used to develop training to enhance neural synaptic memory as responses. This is a leadership problem but officers tell your leaders to get off the “X” and let you do warrior deeds. What they should be saying is “follow me.” Anything short of this is cowardice.


“One man is much the same as another and he is best who is trained in the severest school.” -Thucydides


This is about contact in all its varieties. Stress inoculation injections through proper battle hardened training should be your prism to evaluate if the training is meeting the end state capabilities of your officers.


“There is only one tactical principle which is not subject to change. It is, ‘To use the means at hand to inflict the maximum amount of wounds, death, and destruction on the enemy in the minimum amount of time.’” -General George S. Patton, Jr.

Last word,


I have served with great warriors who yearned for the moment that battle was joined on death ground both in the military and in law enforcement. The majority however should never have picked up the weapon, pinned on the badge, or taken the oath. They are just not hardwired to the core as a warrior. They are living a façade hoping to never be exposed.


The tale of a warrior is in their willingness to make contact on death ground. This should be the standard. Contact, contact, contact!!


If you are not making contact in training you will go weak in the knees when it is for real.


Study this well!


hanshi cuffing resisting officer (2)_edi


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