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Dan 段, meaning Rank: This indicates comprehension in Alaskan Kempo including mind, body, and spirit through tactics, techniques, and procedures.


Shogo 称号, meaning Title:  This indicates the degree of completion in martial abilities. In addition to the conditions of rank level, one must have teaching abilities and comprehensive knowledge of Alaskan Kempo.


Types of Shogo 称号 (Society of Peers 仲間の社会 in the Stone Dragon House Masters’ Council 石龍家師範評議会):


Shodo 初度 grade title is Shogaku 初学, meaning novice skills White through Brown Belt levels. SEE COLOR LEVELS OF NATURE in Alaskan Kempo.


Ryodo 両度 grade title is Gakushi or Gakushiki no aru hito 学識のある人, meaning a learned person in skills at the Raven candidate level.


RAVEN (Black Belt)


Shodan 初段, Nidan 二段, and Sandan 三段 grades are Ken 賢, meaning wise in skills. The Raven level of Ken 賢 is an Assistant Instructor only.


Yodan 四段, Godan 五段, Rokudan 六段, grades are Sei 聖, meaning sacred or holy, thus superior refinement in skills.


Renshi 練士: An official title in the SDH, with origination in the samurai warrior class, and means a ‘Polished Master’ of Alaskan Kempo. Those who have practiced and succeeded in applying the principle of the Fist Law and have good knowledge of Alaskan Kempo. They are a Polished Master and can train others to the Raven level of Ken 賢.


According to the wording on SDH Diploma, it is awarded by the SDH Shogo. Wording: “ recognition of attainment of a high level of proficiency in the development of warrior spirit and technical skill in the practice of Alaskan Kempo.”


Shichidan 七段 , Hachidan 八段, Kudan 九段 , & Judan 十段, grades are Raven level, Kunshi 君子, meaning a person of high rank and ultimate state of being in skills.


Kyoshi 教士: Those who have mastered the principle of the Fist Law and have excellent knowledge of Alaskan Kempo are advanced teachers and can train others to the Raven level of Sei 聖. Usually this is awarded on the 7th dan attainment. It is thought to mean Teacher or Sensei.


Note: An example of use would be that of our founders, Cunningham sensei and Stuart sensei. In Alaskan Kempo, since this is a warrior’s system (for police and military), only a person holding a beloved sensei title or higher can open an official dojo.


This does not mean those at the Raven level, Sei 聖, cannot be a Head Instructor of a dojo or program teaching police and military. They must do it under the direction of the Raven level, Kunshi 君子 holding a teaching license of Kyoshi 教士 or Hanshi 範士.


Hanshi 範士: The highest teaching level of Raven, Kunshi 君子, that may be attained by the Kudan 九段 or Judan 十段 grades.


Those who have mastered and completed the principle and concepts of the Fist Law, have outstanding knowledge of Alaskan Kempo and live every breath by the virtue of the way. This teaching level is known in the greater martial arts context as Grand Master.

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