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Psychology & Physiology Teachings, Training Levels of Nature, Raven Grade Levels


“Man is not himself only...He is all that he sees, all that flows to him from a thousand sources....He is the land, the lift of its mountain lines, the reach of its valleys.

-Mary Austin




Mr. Dave Menefee & Mr. Yoshio Furuya explained in explicit terms the needed levels of growth within their American Kenpo System. I remember thinking that these three stages are truly corporeal to me in my particular Alaskan Kempo development. I remembered my father telling me how important it was to be patient in my discipleship, as the moment that battle is joined will grow within nature's order and according to universal laws for me. He said that it should be a daily endeavor to feel nature's relationship growth within me. One conflict at a time. Both, my father, Cunningham sensei, Mr. Menefee, and Mr. Furuya, spoke the truth about this subject. I co-joined these three levels as fundamental to Alaskan Kempo. This concept is like gravity, it is a natural law process of development.


Alaskan Kempo has three main stages of learning, the first is Shodo 初度, the second is Ryodo 両度 & Ken 賢 and the third is Sei 聖 & Kunshi 君子.  By following a specific structure to the study of Alaskan Kempo, we accelerate retention of the knowledge, so that it can be of maximum benefit the moment that battle is joined. 




The original stage of learning is the early days of training, usually the white through brown belt levels. This level can be dangerous so caution and control is advised when practicing with a partner.  It is a time of learning when the student training lacks perspective, the student at this level should try to develop themselves mentally as well as physically.  They should also try to develop strong basics and perfect their stronger side first.  Once the student feels confident with this first side they may then precede to their weaker side, thus practicing on both sides of the body leads to more ambidextrous qualities. 


Movements at this level are executed in a crude manner lacking timing and co-ordination.  The student at this stage is taught how to do each move rather than how each move may be used is a combat situation. It is a time of intangibility and awkwardness.  The student must learn the value of working towards a goal and having the will power and conviction to see these goals to completion.  This stage of training emphasizes the importance of acquiring a proper attitude towards their study of the martial arts and that this is the first step to a better understanding of themselves. 




The mechanical stage is the level of training when the student is more impressed with their own physical prowess than their actual ability to fight.  Their movements are clear and precise but are applied mechanically and without sequential flow, an integral part of reaching the spontaneous stage.  The student is also more equipped to fight verbally than to fight physically.  This stage of training teaches definition.  The student at this stage may have a greater understanding of how each self defense technique works and may have a certain amount of success in applying this knowledge in actual combat; however their physical reaction and application, in some cases, may be spontaneous while on others it may not. 




The instinctive stage; of all the stages of learning this is the most tangible and rewarding.  Where the ability of your natural weapons act without premeditation and forethought as if they had minds of their own.  Through all the students training the focus will have been to acquire and attain this level.  Once attained it will take continual training just to maintain this level of spontaneity.  This is the stage where the student’s weapons react without restraint, where the moves are executed with fluidity and sequential flow.  It is the student’s ability to flow through all three states of motion - solid, liquid and gaseous.



Dan 段, meaning Rank: This indicates comprehension in Alaskan Kempo including mind, body, and spirit through tactics, techniques, and procedures.


Shogo 称号, meaning Title:  This indicates the degree of completion in martial abilities. In addition to the conditions of rank level, one must have teaching abilities and comprehensive knowledge of Alaskan Kempo.


Types of Shogo 称号 (Society of Peers 仲間の社会 in the Stone Dragon House Masters’ Council 石龍家師範評議会):


Shodo 初度 grade title is Shogaku 初学, meaning novice skills White through Brown Belt levels. SEE COLOR LEVELS OF NATURE in Alaskan Kempo.


Ryodo 両度 grade title is Gakushi or Gakushiki no aru hito 学識のある人, meaning a learned person in skills at the Raven candidate level.


RAVEN (Black Belt)


Technical Skill Grades in Alaskan Kempo

Shodan 初段, Nidan 二段, and Sandan 三段 grades are Ken 賢, meaning wise in skills. The Raven skill level of Ken 賢 is an assistant Instructor in Alaskan Kempo.

Yodan 四段, Godan 五段, Rokudan 六段, grades are Sei 聖, meaning sacred or holy, thus superior refinement in skills.

Shichidan 七段 , Hachidan 八段, Kudan 九段 , & Judan 十段, grades are Raven level, Kunshi 君子, meaning a person of high rank and ultimate state of being in skills.

Instructor Titles of Alaskan Kempo

Fuku Shidoin 副指導員: An official teaching title within the SDH, meaning, "assistant instructor“ or "assistant teacher“ or "inexperienced instructor."

Shidoin 指導員: An official teaching title within the SDH, meaning "instructor" or "teacher" and is an skill level of Sei 聖 and the grade rank of Yodan 四段, and exceptional Sandan 三段 level instructors, thus signifying an intermediate level instructor in Alaskan Kempo.

Shihan 師範: An official teaching title within the SDH, meaning, "expert or senior instructor" and is an skill level of Sei 聖 and the grade rank of Godan 五段 signifying an a master level instructor in Alaskan Kempo.

Master Titles of Alaskan Kempo


Renshi 練士: An official master title in the SDH, with origination in the samurai warrior class, and means a ‘Polished Master’ of Alaskan Kempo. Those who have practiced and succeeded in applying the principle of the Fist Law and have good knowledge of Alaskan Kempo. They are a Polished Masters and can train others to the Raven level of Ken 賢.


Kyoshi 教士: Those who have mastered the principle of the Fist Law and have excellent knowledge of Alaskan Kempo are advanced teachers and can train others to the Raven level of Sei 聖. Usually this is awarded on the 7th dan attainment. It is thought to mean Teacher or Sensei.


Note: An example of use would be that of our founders, Cunningham sensei and Stuart sensei. In Alaskan Kempo, since this is a warrior’s system for police and military, only a person holding a beloved sensei title or higher can open an official dojo.


This does not mean those at the Raven level, Sei 聖, cannot be a Head Instructor of a dojo or program teaching police and military. They must do it under the direction of the Raven level, Kunshi 君子 holding a teaching license of Kyoshi 教士 or Hanshi 範士.


Hanshi 範士: The highest teaching level of Raven, Kunshi 君子, that may be attained by the Kudan 九段 or Judan 十段 grades.


Those who have mastered and completed the principle and concepts of the Fist Law, have outstanding knowledge of Alaskan Kempo and live every breath by the virtue of the way. This teaching level is known in the greater martial arts context as Grand Master.



Alaskan Kempo in its progress from white to red represents the above three stages of learning with applications to the cycle of life and nature’s seasons. Each color in the belt system stands for a specific stage of development and achievement. When the student is born, he is a seed that must sprout, through time the student reaches maturity, grows old, dies, and leaves behind the seeds of new student (birth).


WHITE 白帯-White is the winter snow that covers the dormant seed in the beginning of the cycle of life.


YELLOW 黄色帯-Yellow is the warmth of the sun as it melts the snow and heats the seed.


ORANGE オレンジ帯-Orange is new growth of the seed in spring.


BLUE 青帯-Blue is the haze of heat the beats upon the new growth as it reveals itself to nature.


GREEN 緑帯 -Green is the development of the new growth into the youth of summer.


BROWN 茶色帯-Brown is the plant which curtails its growth and prepares to flower in the late summer. This stage is power, stability, agility, life, energy, attention, control and wisdom. The stability of mind and body. The student’s power and techniques begin to mature, bloom and ripen.


BLACK 黒帯 -Black is the plant as it grows old in the fall having given of itself to future seeds of growth as they plant themselves in soil for winter. This stage is respect, perseverance, and honor in the Raven levels.


RED 赤帯-Red is the purging of blood through life as mastery, calmness, dignity, and sincerity form as the final stage of life unfolds the truth of the life cycle and the next begins. In the end, we see the finishing of that which is old and the newness of the path that leads through the ranks of the higher Raven levels to true mastery of the new seeds that have been planted.

Official Certification Award Sample
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Official Letter Sample
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