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Modern Police Jujitsu Diagnostics



NOTE: Cmdr (Ret.) Ty 'Yoda' Cunningham is the pioneer of the neologism of the forensic branch of the science of hoplology; therefore, Forensic Hoplology. The framework for this model came from the International Hoplology Society and the details of the police science of human combative behavior were created, developed, and taught for 22 years while employed as a federal law enforcement officer. The model and details created a synergy in 2010, when Forensic Hoplology was pioneered.

He spent most of my U.S. Marshals career researching and teaching based on this platform of what is truly essential in a study of combative behavior between an officer and a subject/bandit/fugitive/prisoner, etc. Should you choose to use this as your platform in your self-study, it will give you a framework from which to proceed structurally as your combative knowledge grows in the way of strategy of the Nin'i no Buki no Ichi Sento Ryu. 

Phenomenological/Experiential/Behavioral Outline of an Officer/Subject Combative Course-Of-Action

1.Real/Actual/Immediate Danger/Threat
2.Ego-Danger/Threat (challenge to self-image/self-esteem)
3.Symbolic Danger/Threat (phobic reactions, etc.)


(Sight, sound, smell, taste, touch)


Three brain-bound traits (intra-cranial traits which together comprise the executive-functioning of the self-system):


“EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING” (Strategy-conceptualizing/framing the problem) (Strategic Design)

EFR-Environmental Focus Resonance (Mental States)-Unaware, general, specific, imminent, line of attack, object resources, terrain, time, dominance awareness

POC-Positions of conflict-Neutral, advantage, disadvantage, will, dominance

ACP-Active Control Processing-Decision Making, Tactical Evaluation, Threat Assessment

CP-Control Perception-Training, Experience, Fact Situation (Totality of Circumstance)

SC-Strategic Concepts-Initiative, Depth, Agility, Synchronization

“IMPLEMENTATION” (Tactics-Concrete Scheme for Executing Obj. Progress W/I Current Strategy) (Tactical Planning)

AA-Action Analytics-Perceive, Analyze, Evaluate, Formulate, Initiate

DLA-Demarcation Lines of Advance-Forward Edge, Pressure Edge, Release Edge

TA-Targeting Acquisition-Of focus, natural lines of drift, of circumstance, positions of attack, and lines of attack

AD IOS-interim of succession-response, follow through, submission/posture/fight/flight

CR-Conflict Resolution-Size, Balance, Comprehensiveness

CV-Conflict vibrancy:

CV/P-Power-maneuver, firepower, protection, leadership

CV/I-Imperatives-unity of effort, strengths against weakness, effort designation and sustainment, fast-hard-rapidly, terrain and weather, force protection

CV/TAW-Terrain and weather-Analysis (key terrain, decisive terrain, avenues of approach, defensible-static/dynamic), using terrain (cover, concealment, movement, obstacle, observation, and fire), reinforcement, types of terrain (natural, man-made-built up, structure)

PERFORMANCE & OUTCOME”(Tactical Applications-Physical Resonance and Quality Assurance

DRM-Disturbance Resolution Model- Approach Considerations, Intervention Options, Follow through Considerations (Stabilization/application of restraints, Monitoring/Debriefing, search procedures, escort, transport, turn over/removal of restraints)

Strategic Standards for Human Combative Applications and Behavior:

TSCC-Training Synergy Combat Conditioning-Physical Ideal, Mental Purging, Physical Renewal, Mental/physical Interface, Spiritual rooting, Neural Drive

RPM-Relative Positioning Model- 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3

MPA-Maneuver/Position/Alignment-Objective, maneuver, angles of approach, directional angles/off target-linear, rotational, target, weapon, contour/fit/tracking, alignment of mass, marriage of gravity/settling/torque, sanctuary

IR Intent/Combative Intent-Implied, Real

UFT-Use of force/time-Controlled, creation, utilization, compression of time, escalation of force, check/jam/stall

RLT-Ranges of Linear Time-extended, long, medium, close (Approach, Entry, Contact)

3D Harm-defend, distract, disturb, harm

ESC-Effect/set/counters-cause, set-up, neutralize

ZOC-Zones of Cancellation-Outer edge of efficiency, quadrant and dimensional application, height, width, depth, obscurity

PTT-Pain Threshold Tolerance- Attitude: Pain referencing, mental state; Positions of advantage

TC-Technique Configuration-posture, balance, relaxation, speed, accuracy of targeting, angles of access, body alignment, back-up mass, economy of force, timing, telegraphing, coordination, focus, torque, body momentum, gravitational marriage, selection of tools, penetration, transition, distance, Cover

DAE-Defense application enhancement-philosophy, environment, range, position, maneuver, targeting, weapon selection, checks, covering, control

SOR-Subject Oppositional Resistance-Yes (No resistance), maybe (Undecided, passive resistance), no (Active Resistance)

PAM-Permittable Action Model- Disengage/deescalate; Engage/Escalate (Based on OSD)

OSD-Officer-Subject Dynamic-Subject Factorization: Gender, Fitness, Age, Size, Skill, Multiples Pro, Multiples Con; Extraordinary Conditions: weapon proximity, foreknowledge, injury/exhaustion, limited position (ground), disability, imminence of danger, environment

OSAS-Officer Survival Arrest Sequencing- Control, Restrain, Search, Transport

SOI-Spheres of Influence-Obscure, Actual, Neutral, Projected, Unified (Officer Presence)

CPE/E-Conical Path of Entry & Exit-Impact point gradient, Impact point, terminal point, terminal point gradient, Apex

POI-Paths of Influence-Ground, Aerial, Simplicity, Infinity

EOF-Economy of Force-Invisible action, Motion Economy, Sustained Effect

CA-Contact Applications-Centralization, initiation, acceleration, pressurization, penetration, manipulation, immobilization, unification

TH-Target hardening-zones of protection, actionable defense protocol, reactable action, reflex imperative

ATP-Anatomical Targeting Points-100


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